Privacy Policy

Privacy Is Important

At KELA we treat the privacy of personal information as extremely important to our customers. Personal information for our business purposes is to be minimal, private, correct, safe and largely in the control of the individual. Except where otherwise legally appropriate, we will treat your personal information as private.


Your Personal Information

When we collect personal information it is collected to enable us:

• To process your orders
• To let you know about special promotions, or new catalogues and other important changes to the business that may be of interest to you.
• To improve the quality of our services to you.
• Only on a need to know basis will some of your information be passed on to our delivery couriers to enable accurate and timely delivery of your orders and/or promotional materials and catalogues.


    If you have any inquiries concerning privacy matters, please contact us.


    We Reserve the Right To

    • Cancel any order, if this happens we will let you know by e-mail or phone, using your email or phone number that you provided to us. We will refund you the monies paid using the original method received.
    • All orders are subject to availability of stock. Please see our delivery policy on back orders.
    • To take reasonable steps to verify that the order and credit details are bona fide.



      At KELA it’s important to us that our customers with whom we do business have trust and confidence that we handle all details responsibly.